In stock Claas Lexion combine parts 6305651 Serrated slat, conveyor bar LH fits Claas Lexion Claas 630565PW $ 14.99 Serrated slat, conveyor bar LH for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 440-465, 480, 480R, 485R, 540-560, 580, 760 Add to cart
In stock Claas Lexion combine parts 6305662 Serrated slat, conveyor bar RH fits Claas Lexion Claas 630566PW $ 12.90 Serrated slat, conveyor bar RH for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 440-465, 480, 485R, 540-560, 580, 640-670, 760 Add to cart
In stock Claas Lexion combine parts 5546970 Impeller Plate fits Claas Medion, Mega, Dominator, Tucano Claas CL-554-697R $ 35.90 Wendetrommelblech / Impeller Plate for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Mega 208, 218, 360, 370, Medion 340, Dominator 118/108, 128/108 VX, Tucano 340, 440, 450 Add to cart
In stock Claas Lexion combine parts 5557680 Impeller Plate fits Claas Medion, Mega, Dominator, Tucano Claas CL-555-768R $ 28.90 Wendetrommelblech / Impeller Plate for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Mega 202-204, 350, Dominator 88, 88VX, 96, 98, 98VX, Medion 310-330, Tucano 320, 420-430, Add to cart
In stock Claas Lexion combine parts 7486460 Pre-concave segment Wheat-Corn-Rice (slotted | cell 12×42 mm) fits Claas Lexion Claas CL-748-646R $ 281.90 Pre-concave segment Wheat-Corn-Rice (slotted | cell 12×42 mm) for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 440-465, 480R, 485R Add to cart
Last items in stock Claas Lexion combine parts 7354401 Pre-concave Segment 19x42 APS fits Claas Lexion Claas CL-735-440R $ 260.90 Vorkorb-Segment für Körnermais - 19 mm / Pre-concave Segment (mais) - 19 mm for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 440-465, 480, 480R, 485R, 540-560 Add to cart
Last items in stock Claas Lexion combine parts 7354420 Pre-concave segment 12x42 fits Claas Lexion Claas CL-735-442R $ 269.90 Vorkorb-Segment - 12 mm (getreide) 12x42 lochung / APS concave - 12 mm (wheat) for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 405-430, 450, 460R, 470R Add to cart
Out-of-Stock. Claas Lexion combine parts 6631570 Cap fits Claas Lexion, Mega, Commandor Claas CL-663-157R $ 2.49 Kappe / Cap for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 405-480, 470-485R, 510-580, 560-595R, 600, 620-670, 730-780, 5500-5300, 6900-6600, 6900-6800, 8800-8500, 8900-8600, Mega 202-204, 208, 218, 350-370, Tucano 420-480, 550-580, Trion 620-610, 660-640, 750-710 View
Out-of-Stock. Claas Lexion combine parts 6176310 Paddle fits Claas Claas CL-617-631R $ 2.90 Paddle for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Mega; Commandor; Tucano, Lexion, Trion View
Out-of-Stock. Claas Lexion combine parts 7564450 Upper sieve PW4 (25×28 mm, special) fits Claas Lexion Claas CL-756-445R (1) $ 589.90 Upper sieve TM6 for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 560R, 575R, 570, 570R, 575R, 580R, 585R, 730-760, 5500-5300, 7700-7400, 7500-7400, Trion 620-610, 750-710 View
Out-of-Stock. Claas Lexion combine parts 7564620 Lower sieve PW3 (10 mm, standard) fits Claas Lexion Claas CL-756-462R $ 449.90 Lower sieve for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 560R, 570, 570R, 575R, 580R, 585R, 730-760, 5500-5300, 7700-7400, Trion 620-610, 750-710 View
Out-of-Stock. Claas Lexion combine parts 7559950 Drum Cover Plate fits Claas Lexion Claas CL-755-995R $ 60.90 Drum Cover Plate for Claas combine. Fits Claas combine(s) Lexion 405-450, 470, 470R, 475R, 510-530, 560, 560R, 570, 570R, 575R, 580R, 585R, 620-630, 730-760, Trion 620-610, 750-710 View