Cleaning system

A combine cleaning mechanism is an important component of a combine harvester, which is a large machine used in agriculture for harvesting grain crops such as wheat, rice, corn, and soybeans. The combine cleaning mechanism helps to separate the harvested grain from the chaff, straw, and other debris that is collected along with the crop.

The combine cleaning mechanism consists of several parts that work together to perform the cleaning process. These parts include:

  1. Threshing cylinder: The threshing cylinder is a rotating drum with teeth or bars that separate the grain from the straw and chaff. As the crop is fed into the machine, the threshing cylinder rotates and the teeth or bars pull the crop apart, separating the grain from the rest of the plant material.

  2. Concave: The concave is a curved metal plate that sits beneath the threshing cylinder. Its job is to help separate the grain from the straw and chaff. As the crop is threshed by the cylinder, it falls onto the concave, which uses a combination of vibration and gravity to help separate the grain from the other material.

  3. Straw walker: The straw walker is a series of metal bars or slats that are arranged in a zigzag pattern beneath the concave. As the grain falls onto the straw walker, it is carried along the length of the machine while the straw and chaff are forced to drop off the sides.

  4. Cleaning fan: The cleaning fan is a large, powerful fan that blows air through the grain as it moves through the machine. The air helps to remove any remaining chaff, dust, or other debris that may be clinging to the grain.

  5. Sieves: Sieves are metal screens that are used to separate the grain from the remaining debris. The grain is fed onto the top sieve, while the chaff, straw, and other debris fall through to the lower sieve. The sieves are adjustable, allowing the operator to control the amount of debris that is removed from the grain.

  6. Grain pan: The grain pan is a sloping metal plate that collects the grain as it falls off the sieves. From here, the grain is directed into a holding tank or a grain cart for transport to a storage facility.

In operation, the combine cleaning mechanism works by feeding the harvested crop into the threshing cylinder. As the cylinder rotates, it separates the grain from the straw and chaff, which fall onto the concave below. From there, the grain falls onto the straw walker, where it is carried along by the motion of the machine while the straw and chaff are forced to drop off the sides. The cleaning fan blows air through the grain, removing any remaining debris, while the sieves separate the grain from the rest of the material. Finally, the grain is collected in the grain pan and directed into a holding tank or grain cart for transport to a storage facility.


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Cleaning system

The cleaning system is equipped with grain trays, sieves and a fan for grain cleaning. The molds prepare the grain by distributing it evenly over the entire surface of the sieve. They swing back and forth to transport grain, which has been separated by the threshing drum and separation system, to the grain auger.

The cleaning system has upper and lower sieves for sorting grain and tailings, respectively, and is adapted to the type of crop and harvesting conditions. The sieves have different sizes of holes and a special position on the machine for efficient sorting of poorly threshed ears. This material is then sent to the tail elevator for re-threshing with a thresher, and clean grain is sent to the elevator.

The moving pallets also lift up the remaining straw and bales, sending them to the rear of the machine using the air flow generated by the fan.

Thus, these parts are subjected to repetitive mechanical stress and wear can lead to poor sorting performance. It is difficult to find a balance between cleaning efficiency, grain loss and productivity. To ensure that you receive reliable parts that increase the performance of your machine, Agroparts offers you a wide selection of cleaning system wear parts, fully tailored to your machine, at competitive prices.

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