1. You must be a registered user on our site.
  2. No purchase is necessary to become a loyalty program member. Each registered user automatically becomes a  loyalty program member.
  3. You will be rewarded $3 per $100 spent in our store.
  4. Loyalty points unused for over 2 years will automatically forfeit points earned. In other words, if you don’t use it, you will lose it.
  5. Loyalty points have no cash value. Points are surrendered for redemption only.
  6. We reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to terminate the loyalty program and to alter, limit, modify or add to the Loyalty rules, regulations, terms and conditions, including but not limited to imposing time limits and changes in points, rewards and reward levels, without prior notice and at any time.
  7. We will never share or sell out our list of Loyalty members.
  8. The rules pertaining to Loyalty rewards as well as the various specials and discounts point values and pricing are subject to change without notice.

Effective JAN 2021