Privacy Policy outlines principles of collection, processing and use of personal data obtained through the website (hereinafter «Website ").The website belongs to a private company "Agroparts" on location: NJ, email: act with appropriate caution to ensure the privacy of users who visit the website.

Article 1 - How do we collect data? collects data on individuals working on their behalf in the economic or professional spheres (hereinafter Entrepreneur), and data about persons who perform legal actions not directly related to their activities (hereinafter Client).

Personal data collected for clients:

  • account registration in online store;
  • order in online store.

You may use the Website without registration, but in this case access to some of the functional components is limited.

In case of registration on the Website, the Client must provide the following information:

  • e-mail address;
  • name and surname.

During registration client should set an individual password. The client can also change the password via "My Account".

When ordering in online store, the client provides the following information:

  1. e-mail address;
  2. address data:
  • ZIP code, city, state;
  • country;
  • street and house / apartment number;
  • name and surname;
  • phone number.

The entrepreneur also provides:

  • company name;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register;
  • discharge of the tax bill.

Information provided by the client in the form of cookies and IP-address.

Data about visitors of the Website is collected through cookie files, such as: IP-address, browser type and operating system, date and time of visit.

The navigation data can be collected from clients by the interaction with plugins, such as when pressing a button "Share" the corresponding information is transmitted from your browser directly to individuals who administer social networks, and is stored by them.

Article 2 - How do we use collected information?

In case of registration on the Website, client’s data is used to create an individual profile and its editing.

In case of purchase in the online store personal data may be transferred to the courier company to deliver the ordered goods.

If the client chooses to pay by bank transfer.

The navigation data can be used to collect and analyze statistical data to customize the website to the individual wishes of clients and improve it to provide better services.

Article 3 – Cookie files, IP-address

A cookie is a small piece of information that is sent to your browser and stored on the hard disk drive (HDD) of your computer. We use cookies to track the use of our Website and to collect information about visitors of the site, such as: IP-address, browser type, operating system, date and time of visit.

The information collected through this type of files, improves service and set to suit individual wishes and real needs of the client. It also allows you to create general requests statistic about the information and products presented on the Website. uses two types of cookie files:

  • Session cookie: recorded information is deleted from the device after ending a session of the Web browser or when the computer is off. The mechanism of the Session cookie does not allow to collect personal data and other confidential information from the user's computer.
  • Persistent cookie: recorded information is stored on the HDD until deleted by the user. Mechanism of Persistent cookie does not allow to collect personal data and other confidential information from the user's computer. uses its own cookie files for:

  • Authorization and providing session on the website (after logging in “My account”). These cookie files help to identify the user on each page without re-entering login and password;
  • Analysis, audience research and testing, in particular, for creation anonymous statistics, which will help to understand how client use the Website. This will contribute to optimize the structure and content of the Website.

The mechanism of cookie files is safe for computer users of the Website. This file type does not transmit viruses and other unwanted or malicious software to computers. Also, users have the option in their browsers to limit or prevent access of cookie files to their computers. If you select this option, you can still use the Website, except functions that require cookies.

Below you can find information how to change settings of your web browser to edit or delete cookie files: may use your IP-address. IP-address is a number assigned to your computer by ISP. This number allows access to the Internet. In most cases, the computer randomly selects IP- address thus the number changes each time you connect to the Internet, so these data are not considered as personal information.

IP-address is used by in the diagnosis of technical problems with the server and in the creation of statistical analysis (e.g. determining regions with the greatest amount of views of Website). This information is useful in managing and optimizing websites. Also determining the IP-address contributes the security of, such as detection of unwanted automatic programs for viewing websites that burden the server.

The website contains links and hyperlinks to other web pages. does not bear responsibility for the privacy policies on other web sites.

Article 4 - Plugins and social networks uses plugins provided by the social networks, including Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter (hereinafter - the "Social networks"). Plugins are identified by logos of Social networks or by relevant inscriptions.

If you interact with the plugins, for example by pressing the button “Share”  the relevant information is transmitted from your browser directly to individuals who administer Social networks and is stored by them.

For more information about the purpose and scope of data collection and processing entities who administer Social networks about your rights and options for privacy settings please visit the privacy policy of the relevant Social network.

If you are a user of Social networks and you do not want people who administer them to pool data of visits to with other data about their users, you need to log out of Social network profile before visiting our Website. Later you can lock Social network plugins, using special extensions in your browser.

Article 5 - Protection of personal data and privacy

We commit ourselves to take all reasonable steps to ensure third parties not to receive illegal access to your Personal data.

Access to Personal data have only employees which adhere to strict standards of confidentiality in the processing of your Personal data and responsibilities that are directly related to such treatment.

To ensure the security and confidentiality of Personal data that we collect on the Website we use standardized systems of access limitation and passwords protection.

We strive to create unconditionally safe versions of the Web site usage, but you should be aware that the Internet - a global system of integrated computer networks is vulnerable environment therefore the confidentiality of Personal data, transmitted through the Website or by e-mail, cannot be fully guaranteed by us as some stages of Personal data transmission over Internet channels is out of our control.

Article 6 - Newsletter

Subscribing to our newsletter, you agree that we will send you emails on a regular basis, such as: offers, news and other.

You can stop receiving our newsletter at any time by visiting “My account” on the Website following the link from the newsletter.

We do not spam mailings. Spam is the sending of unwanted e-mails, usually of commercial nature, in large numbers and repeatedly to persons with whom the sender has not had contact earlier or to those who refused to receive messages of this kind.

Article 7 - Change and delete of Personal data

Unless other is not provided in this Privacy Policy the Client is responsible for the topicality, correctness and completeness of his Personal Data.

You have the right for access, change of your Personal data, as well as its removal.

If you want to access personal data, correct or delete them, go to "My Account".