Claas concaves

Claas concaves are an essential component of Claas combine harvesters. They are used to separate the grain from the chaff during the harvesting process. A Claas concave is a curved metal plate that is mounted inside the threshing drum. It has a series of small slots or holes that allow the grain to pass through, while retaining the larger straw and chaff.

The concave works by using a combination of rubbing, impact, and centrifugal force to separate the grain from the straw. As the crop passes through the threshing drum, the concave rubs against the grain, causing the seed to detach from the straw. The slots or holes in the concave allow the grain to fall through while retaining the straw and chaff.

The design of the Claas concave is critical to its effectiveness. The spacing and size of the slots or holes must be carefully chosen to ensure that the correct amount of grain is separated from the chaff. The angle of the concave must also be carefully calibrated to ensure that the grain is separated efficiently without causing too much damage to the crop.

Claas concaves are available in different sizes and configurations to suit different types of crops and harvesting conditions. For example, concaves with wider slots are suitable for crops with larger grain, while concaves with smaller slots are more effective for smaller grains.

In summary, the Claas concave is a crucial component of Claas combine harvesters that is responsible for separating the grain from the chaff during the harvesting process. It uses a combination of rubbing, impact, and centrifugal force to achieve this, and its design must be carefully calibrated to ensure that it works effectively for different types of crops and harvesting conditions.

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Claas Lexion concaves

Friction among concave, rotating cylinder and the incoming crop results in the threshing process. The clearance between the cylinder and the concave is adjustable. Once the crop enters the clearance, it gets squashed by the cylinder against the concave and smaller parts start to sift through the openings. As a result, the grain is separated from the plants.

The clearance distance, the bar and wire patterns of the concave, the speed of the rotor, and the crop types determine how clean the samples turn out in the grain tank. It takes a bit of experience to understand how all these factors influence the process.

Achieving a balance between cylinder speed and concave clearance is like walking on a rope. The purpose of this gap between is to control the optimal flow of material. With a large gap, the grains do not separate, while with a narrow one it can lead to grain damage. As a rule, start with the recommended clearance settings. Then you can adjust according to the field conditions.

Concaves come with different types of bars and wires. Narrow-wired concaves are great for small grains like wheat and barley. The narrow spacings between the wires allow the small seeds to sift through. Wide-wired ones are for crops like corn or beans. 

To improve the threshing process you can use cover plates an addition to the concave clearance and design patterns. The plates are used to cover up certain parts of the concaves to let the material stay longer between the concave and threshing cylinder.

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