Claas sieves

Sieves in Claas combine harvesters are an important component of the threshing and cleaning system. They are responsible for separating the grain from the chaff, straw, and other debris that is collected during the harvesting process. Claas combine harvesters typically have two sieves, a pre-sieve and a main sieve.

  1. The pre-sieve is located at the front of the cleaning system and is responsible for separating the larger debris, such as straw and chaff, from the grain. It works by using a series of oscillating screens that shake the crop as it moves along the cleaning system. The larger debris falls through the pre-sieve and is collected in a separate compartment, while the grain and smaller debris continue on to the main sieve.

    The main sieve is located behind the pre-sieve and is responsible for separating the smaller debris, such as dust and broken kernels, from the grain. It works in a similar manner to the pre-sieve, but has a finer mesh that allows only the grain to pass through. The smaller debris falls through the main sieve and is also collected in a separate compartment.

    Both the pre-sieve and main sieve in Claas combine harvesters are adjustable, allowing the operator to control the amount of material that is separated from the grain. This is important for achieving high-quality grain and minimizing losses during the harvesting process. The sieves are also designed to be easily cleaned and maintained, reducing downtime and improving overall efficiency.


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Aftermarket Claas sieves

The design features of the Agroparts aftermarket Claas sieves compare favourably with spare parts from other manufacturers! The result of many years of work is an advanced sieve with many advantages. The main ones are durability, ease of use, efficient harvesting, and competitive price. Every detail that our sieve consists of is created for you. The use of special sealant in the design prevents contact of the wire with the frame, protects it from friction during separation, which extends its life.

Our products are the result of long-term work. They feature a number of innovations and improvements that provide durability, ease of adjustment and reparability, effective harvesting, and reasonable price.

We offer 5 different types of fingers: PW1 - PW2 - PW3 - PW4 - PW5. Each of them is designed to offer you the highest quality of cleaning! PW4 sieve is a Claas TM6 sieve analog.

Available for Claas / Lexion combines and are replaceable to the OEM.

Claas sieves types

Advantages and results:

  • Increased service life. Reinforced sieve frame and special design extend durability by 50%.
  • Easy to install. The overall and installation dimensions correspond to the original details, that is, the sieves can be installed on the combine without any improvements and modifications.
  • Maintainability. Every Claas sieve is collapsible. You can easily take them apart for repair and cleaning at the end of the season.
  • Better grain cleaning! You will reduce grain losses and improve harvesting quality, thereby increasing your combine harvester productivity by 10-15%. Grain quality and purity guaranteed!

Small grains sieves without the airfoil effect of a TM6. That is multi-purpose sieve.

Effective in:

  • Soybeans
  • Edibles
  • Sunflowers
  • Low yielding corn
  • Cereals
  • Small grains

Not recommended:

  • Limited opening has potential to reduce capacity in high yielding crops

Premium corn sieve. Finger length 32 mm.

Effective in:

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Edibles
  • Sunflower
  • Cereals

Not recommended:

  • Not recommended for use with small grains. Wide opening can encreae large particles in grain sample.

Bottom sieve for corn/bean machines. Only available as lower sieve

Effective in:

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Edibles
  • Sunflower
  • Cereals

Premium sieves (upper and lower) for small grains and canola

Effective in:

  • Soybeans
  • Edibles
  • Sunflowers
  • Cereals
  • Small grains
  • Micro seeds

Not recommended:

  • Corn. Fibers and silks have the potential to hair-pin on the foils and may cause the sieve to plug
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