John Deere 1166 – 1188
The transition of 1000 series large-sized combines into 1100 series effected 1166-1188 models, firstly thanks to the introduction of models with new height-adjustable reaping-machines. Also, those models were equipped with high-powered 6-cylinder diesel-fuel engines of John Deere brand.
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John Deere 1450 - 1550 CWS
The successors of 1170 model became 1450-1550 series combines, which were also manufactured in Brasil. The spacious cabs were fitted to the combines, noise level of which does not exceed 72 dB. The combines were equipped with an automated control system of Headertrackiksi cutting platform. The combine transmission was hydrostatic.
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John Deere MD 330 - 430
After John Deere had bought Lanz name of the company transformed to John Deere Lanz. In 1964 then this combine series was launched and this new united name for these combines became wellknown, especially on German market. Machines were equiped small capacity engines of Perkins, John Deere, Mercedes-Benz brands. Model MD 330 was driven by diesel engine Volkswagen...
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Combine harvester JOHN DEERE CTS, 9780 CTS, 9880 STS
The CTS and STS series combines are equipped with two rotors-separators, placed in the longitudinal direction of the combine; they are identical to the Claas Lexion 480 combine facilities. Aditionally these combines could have HarvestSmart and AutoTrac systems. The HarvestSmart system serves for an automatic adjustment of operating speed to the stem density...
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John Deere C670
The С670 combine harvester replaced the 9780 model of CTS series in 2007. The new combine had a mixed system of threshing and separation, which consisted of threshing drum and two digital rotary separators. The C670 combine provides equal grain stream with possible changes of its directions. Because of a large cylinder and a tape-drive mechanism grain gets straight into the system, which ensures a high level of threshing and separation...
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