Claas Lexion 600/700 series

Claas Lexion 600/700 series

Time is money and we at CLAAS know you expect the highest possible productivity from your combine, so we are committed to bringing you just that.From the moment the crop flows into the feederhouse and into either the APS HYBRID SYSTEM (LEXION 700 Series) or APS straw walker (LEXION 600 Series) threshing and separation system, to the moment the clean grain hits the grain tank and residue is spread, we offer more capacity, more performance and more efficiency.

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Combine Harvesters
Claas LEXION 670 / 650

Claas LEXION 670 / 650

The LEXION with APS threshing system and effective straw walker technology. More powerful, more productive, more flexible, more comfortable, more profitable: harvest more.

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Combine Harvesters
CLAAS AVERO 240 / 160

CLAAS AVERO 240 / 160

The first in its class with APS. The APS threshing and separation system already performs beautifully in the LEXION and the TUCANO. This proven threshing technology from CLAAS is also available in the compact class.

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Combine Harvesters
Case IH axial-flow 40 series combines

Case IH axial-flow 40 series combines

As the challenges and opportunities in agriculture grow, so do the demands placed on combines. More power. Improved fuel efficiency. Lower emissions. And, of course, higher grain quality. The new Case IH Axial-Flow 40 series combines are ready. Not only do these machines meet emissions regulations, they actually do it with improved performance and incredible fuel efficiency. But don’t take our word for it. The real proof is in the grain tank. No matter the crop, acreage or field condition, Axial-Flow combines are here to optimize your yield.

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Combine Harvesters
John Deere S700 Series combines

John Deere S700 Series combines

John Deere just introduced its new S700 Series Combines for the 2018 season, an update from the S600 series launched in 20122. It might not look all that different on the outside, but Deere put all the serious improvements and updates on the inside...

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Combine Harvesters
John Deere S550 - S690 Series Combines

John Deere S550 - S690 Series Combines

Model lineup included the S550, S660, S670, S680, & S690. It featured a larger cab with much-improved visibility over the 70 Series.  This really saved a lot of “bow necking;” looking around the corner post to see the ends of your headers.  It had (finally) a touchscreen command center display.  There were a lot of 70 series command centers with fingerprints on them because operators were used to the touch screen in their tractors and tried in vain to run the 70 Series combine command center the same way...

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Combine Harvesters
Combine harvester: since invention to nowadays

Combine harvester: since invention to nowadays

The combine harvester, or simply combine, is a machine that combines the tasks of harvesting, threshing, and cleaning grain crops. The objective is the harvest of the crop; corn (maize), soybeans, flax (linseed), oats, wheat, or rye, among others. The waste straw left behind on the field is the remaining dried stems and leaves of the crop with limited nutrients which is either chopped and spread on the field or baled for feed and bedding for livestock...

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Combine Harvesters
John Deere combine models: a visual guide

John Deere combine models: a visual guide

If you’re in the business of producing crops, chances are, you either own or are interested in owning a new or used combine. For more than 80 years, John Deere has been producing these machines to arm farmers with the technology and specific features that best fit their operation’s needs.

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Combine Harvesters
John Deere 1166 – 1188

John Deere 1166 – 1188

The transition of 1000 series large-sized combines into 1100 series effected 1166-1188 models, firstly thanks to the introduction of models with new height-adjustable reaping-machines. Also, those models were equipped with high-powered 6-cylinder diesel-fuel engines of John Deere brand.

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John Deere combines